returns a string representing the field[fieldIndex] of the Record[recordNumber] in the dbf file Throws ArgumentException if recordNumber ">=" NumberOfRecords or negative, fieldIndex >= FieldCount or negative,

Namespace:  EGIS.ShapeFileLib
Assembly:  EGIS.ShapeFileLib (in EGIS.ShapeFileLib.dll)


Visual Basic
Public Function GetField ( _
	recordNumber As Integer, _
	fieldIndex As Integer _
) As String
public string GetField(
	int recordNumber,
	int fieldIndex
Visual C++
String^ GetField(
	int recordNumber, 
	int fieldIndex
function getField(recordNumber, fieldIndex);


Type: System..::..Int32
Zero based record number in the dbf file
Type: System..::..Int32
Zero based field index in a record

Return Value

the string contents of the required field. Note that the returned string is not trimmed so that if a field length is longer than the stored string then the string is padded with spaces. I.E if a field of length 10 is storing "abc" then the returned string will be padded with 7 space characters

See Also